Bank Pension Madras High Court Update(22/07) : The case at Madras HC gets listed everyday, but could not come up for hearing because of lengthy arguments from both the sides in the cases listed earlier to it. Probably next week there may be a chance for being heard.
The Government had set up a Committee on Cadre Restructuring of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in June, 2008. The Committee submitted its report in November, 2008.
The Government had set up a Committee on Cadre Restructuring of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in June, 2008. The Committee submitted its report in November, 2008.
The Report of the Committee has been considered by the Government and, inter-alia,following decisions have been taken:
- CSS officers who are empanelled as Joint Secretaries, will be given in-situ promotion as Joint Secretaries in SAG grade at their current place of posting, till they are placed under CentralStaffing Scheme, with such in-situ promotions restricted to 40 in number.
- Fixing the combined strength of Joint Secretary (in-situ), Directors and Deputy Secretary of CSS at 600, with inter se flexibility subject to a ceiling of 40 posts for Joint Secretary (in-situ) and 220 posts at the Director level.
- Net increase of 160 posts at DS/Director level in CSS will come from diversion of posts from the Central Staffing Scheme. Identification of posts so diverted to be done in such a manner that there is no concentration of posts in any Ministry;
- Reduction of non-CSS posts by 160 at the DS/Director levels under the Central StaffingScheme in various Ministries.
- Upgradation of 1467 posts of UDCs to Assistant’s Grade of CSS.
- The next Cadre restructuring may be undertaken after 3 years from date of implementation of the above recommendations.
View the O.M.
Govt unveils low-cost computer for students
New Delhi, Jul 22 : Government today unveiled a low-cost computer for students carrying a price tag of Rs 1,500 ($35) and having all elementary features including internet browsing.
The indigenously made computer is expected to be available with the students by next year.
HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, unveiling the device, said the ultimate objective would be to bring down the price to Rs 470 ($10).
Several teams comprising experts, students and professors from IITs and IIS Bangalore were working with the HRD Ministry to bring out the low-cost computing device.
"We have come out with the device at Rs 1,500 ($35) and now we invite individuals, entrepreneurs, firms and industries to produce the device as cheaper rates than this," he said.

Govt unveils low-cost computer for students
New Delhi, Jul 22 : Government today unveiled a low-cost computer for students carrying a price tag of Rs 1,500 ($35) and having all elementary features including internet browsing.
The indigenously made computer is expected to be available with the students by next year.
HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, unveiling the device, said the ultimate objective would be to bring down the price to Rs 470 ($10).
Several teams comprising experts, students and professors from IITs and IIS Bangalore were working with the HRD Ministry to bring out the low-cost computing device.
"We have come out with the device at Rs 1,500 ($35) and now we invite individuals, entrepreneurs, firms and industries to produce the device as cheaper rates than this," he said.
Interestingly, this is a touch-screen device and therefore could be called as a tablet. People say it’s a cheaper version of ipad, Apple’s recent release.
The Indian one also comes with a solar-power option that could make it more feasible for rural areas.
This is a Linux-based computer at first glance resembles an Apple iPad and features basic functions you’d expect to see in a tablet–a Web browser, multimedia player, PDF reader, Wi-Fi, and video conferencing ability. It has 2GB of RAM but no hard disk is provided. Instead you can use your memory card or a pen drive as it’s provided with USB ports. But cost wise it is only 1/14th of Apple’s ipad.
As per Government’s reports, commercial version of this Tablet PC will be available in the year 2011.
In fact, students from several branches of the Indian Institute of Technology co-designed motherboards for this computer.
“This is just a prototype,” education expert Zubin Malhotra told Press People. “We need to find people who will be able to manufacture these devices at these price points and continue to develop them going forward.”
Source : PTI and BBC news.
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