Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bankers demand 5 days week, NUBE submitted memorandun

Demand for five days' week in bank is again on the news. NUBE, an organization of bank employees recently submitted a memorandum to Central Govt for implementation of this long awaited demand.

"At present all Central government establishments, RBI, Forex Department, Parliament, State Assemblies, Treasury, ITBT industries and Western Countries observe 5 day week.
Majority of State government offices remain closed on Second Saturday of the month. Therefore Banking Industry switching over to 5 day week will not make muchdifference to routine
business. Introduction of 5 day week has sitsbenefits as it will go a long way in further strengthening our BankingIndustry and delivering better results to the people of the country. With the introduction of technology in the banking sector, basic Bankingservices are today available 24X7; RBI, Central
Government, State Governments, Insurance Sector, Financial Market, Stock Exchange, Foreign Exchange Markets, etc. are closed on Saturdays and Sundays without causing any major inconvenience to general public at large. With the increased need for canvassing business, marketing, followup recovery, etc. one weekday off is inadequate and there is genuine need to introduce 5 Day banking for the Banks...."
View the full memorandum

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