Anand Plaza, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore-560 009
Phone : 22260185/22266469 email:
Circular No. 4/2010 Dated: 30 Jun 2010
Ever since the news about our obtaining an interim stay at the Hon’ble Madras High Court was flashed through the internet on 23.06.2010, we have been receiving hundreds of calls from various parts of the country requesting them to provide additional details.
Simultaneously, a vicious propaganda was unleashed through SMS in the Tamil Nadu region that the stay is applicable only for our members and not for others. Those who had no idea about the details of our affidavit were spreading another rumour that by obtaining a stay order we have stopped all chances of getting any option for pension. In many other parts of the country, another sms campaign was going on that obtention of an interim stay is nothing but a false propaganda and there was no such stay. Many AIBEA leaders were quoting the internet and telling their members that no such case is available in the web site of Madras High Court.
On the contrary, congratulatory messages were pouring in thousands from bank employees from various parts of the country, especially from U. P., which has taken a lead in organizing their protest over this settlement from day one.
First let us make one thing clear. Our writ petition was filed only to quash the Clause 32 of the 9th bipartite settlement and that of Clause 1 of the pension settlement, in so far as the said clauses require the PF optees to contribute 2.8 times the Nov 2007 revised pay if they want to opt for the pension scheme. We had also further prayed to direct the respondents to strictly adhere to Clause 3 of the minutes of discussions held on 27.11.2009 between the IBA and the unions with regard to sharing the additional cost of pension.
Ever since the signing of the settlement, the UFBU has never come out with any communication for the reasons in their sudden change of stand from the earlier agreed terms of 1.6 times (as per the minutes of discussion on 27.11.2009) the revised pay from all the employees to putting the entire load on the PF optees. Now we have made all the signatory unions of the settlement, besides the IBA as respondents in our writ petition. The real face of all these unions will now become public when they file their counter to our writ petition in the HighCourt.
The earlier orders of the court was received by us late in the evening of 25.06.2010 and on perusing the verbatim orders, we observed some error in our representation. Our advocates moved the necessary motion before the Hon’ble High Court to set right those errors at the earliest opportunity viz., on 28.06.2010. The Hon’ble Court was pleased to permit the same and accordingly our case was listed on 29.06.2010 as an adjourned admission case.
During the course of the hearing on 29.06.2010, the advocates for AIBEA and IBA were present and they objected to the continuation of the stay and wanted the same to be vacated.. The Hon’ble Judge turned down their objections and advised them to file their counter, now that they have taken note of our writ petition. The Hon’ble Judge also ruled in the open court that he will issue amended orders as prayed for by us. Now the case has been posted for next hearing on 06.07.2010.
Friends, we now want all of you to be clear about one thing. The interim stay is only on the operation of Clause 32 of the 9th bipartite Settlement & Clause 1 of the pension settlement, only in so far as the said clause require the PF optees to contribute 2.8 times of Nov 2007 pay to become members of the Pension Fund. It is not limited just to our members alone, but applicable for all the bank employees who are affected by the said settlement. We have neither obtained any stay on the settlement nor have we interfered in any manner with the payment of arrears.
Our entire writ petition can be viewed in the internet at and also at, both of whom have been doing a commendable job of empowering the bank employees by bringing out the latest happenings in the industry. (Click here to view the entire writ petition )
It has also been brought to our knowledge that another sms campaign is going around advising the bank employees not to pay any money or donation for fighting court cases. To day, we can proudly inform everybody that Canara Bank Workers’ Union has not collected a single paisa from anybody for this court case expense nor do we intend collecting any donation or levy from any source. All our expenses are met through our own resources only. Let it be remembered that this union was nurtured by the late Shri Devidas Pai, our former General Secretary, a towering personality who was well known for his impeccablefinancial integrity and high moral standards.
With Greetings,
Fraternally yours,
(Balasubramanya Pai)
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