Sunday, June 28, 2015

Why OROP is delayed ? Find the possible answer

MoD sources said that the main reason behind the delay is the minuscule increase that jawans may get if OROP is implemented in its present form. 
As ex-servicemen steadfastly press for the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP), top Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources have said that the main reason behind the delay is not funds, but the minuscule increase that jawans may get if OROP is implemented in its present form.
Sources said that the concern within the government is that the jawans may get an increase of just about “few hundred” rupees per month — a raise that may not justify the decade long OROP agitation
The fear within political decision-makers is that OROP, if implemented in present form, may result in many dragging the government to courts, and may even create a political crisis. “It is no longer a budgetary concern. The formula to arrive at Rs 8,300-odd crores has already been approved. The real worries within South Block are political. Under the present formula, the jawans may just get about few hundred rupees of increase per month in their present pensions. This amount, the political class within the present government believes, is too small to pacify the agitation that has been spread over almost three decades,” a top Defence Ministry official said.
According to the official, the implementation — which is just short of being announced any moment, may trigger dissatisfaction and will result in soldiers dragging the government to courts and become a political issue. Citing the reason behind the small increase for jawans, the official said: “The government, in 2009, corrected the pensions of retired armed forces personnel to parity as per Sixth Central Pay Commission. The jawans largely benefited out of the correction as the pension amounts increased. So the gap that earlier existed has largely been bridged. Rs 5000 crore has already been spent on bringing about the parity,” the official said. According to Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM) data, OROP — if implemented in its present form — will ensure an increase of between Rs 525 and Rs 1,720 to jawans in their monthly pensions by virtue of percentage of their low basic pensions. Widows will get a hike of Rs 1,500 per month. The officers are likely to get a per month pension increase between Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000. According to sources, UPA too was worried about the political and legal consequences of these “relatively small” monthly increments after implementing OROP and had carried out “three rounds of equalisation” to work out a solution. The MoD official said that so far, the present government, though committed, has not carried out any such equalisation. Group Captain V K Gandhi, general secretary, IESM said, “Our present demands have been agreed upon not only by officers but even by jawans. We are not willing to accept any dilution in the demands.”
Source : Indian Express

1 comment :

Kedar said...

It is unfortunate to say that :the higher officers are USING THE NAME OF JAWANS for their benefits. There is always step mother relationship with jawans. The political parties and the committees are always doing partiality towards jawans.

As the no. of jawans are high, paying Re1/- seems to be more difficult than paying Rs100/- to the higher ranks.

Similarly,Under govt. of india, till 1983 all re-employed esm were getting pay fixed in same pattern. After 1983, discrimination have been made between the Ex armed personal for fixation of pay after retirement. The reason...........not known.......but understood. The right to equality,welfare of ESM is only to show out. But practically what happens....
Orders published in the name of president of India that he is pleased to inform that pension and pensionary benifits are to be returned by the soldiers and in in return their pay will be fixed at the initial pay band as the get re employed.As a result the 40year jawan is getting paid as a new recruit of age 18.The family burden and responsibility is not yet understood by any body. on the other side the departments utilise the experience of the skill jawans.Also the aged soldiers who have even lead in many nationa building movents are compled to work as a junior worked in their new posting..THE DEDICATION OF JAWAN IS JUST TO LIVE HIS LIFE FOR FEW REMAINING DAYS WITH HIS PARENTS AND LOOK AFTER HIS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES . WHICH HE COULD NOT PERFORM TO SERVE THE NATION.
2.For the commissioned officers it is reverse and they get their salary and status as per last pay and their pension and pensionary benifita are IGNORED. Here the ignored word seems to be very painful. But.............the president of India has published the order and pleased to extend the IGNORED amount from few rupees to only Rs1500/- as on date.

Here, For Rs1500/- howmuch the commissioner officers gain,,,,,,,,,,,,
For Rs1500/- how much monitary and social status of jawan is the highely paid/trusted financial planning them. Definately, they are doing a good job and should be rewarded for saving money of govt. of india.

3.When the concern of Bank and insurance sector comes(which is under ministry of Finance, Govt. of india), the government has gone one step higher. The planners have even forgot to feel that they are in such a county where right to equality is a right for the common citizen of the country and the soldiers are not apart from that.They have published BONZA OFFER for such employees and given all facilities. For the re-employed ESM in Banks and LIC their pay to be fixed as per last pay and no need to deduct even Rs1500/-. Surprisingly they are getting this facility ONLY AND ONLY BY VIRTU OF THE ORDERS BEING PUBLISHED BY THE SAME GOVT OF INDIA.....

At the end I would like to regret if I have tried to harm some of my friends, But written the truth ......That I have understood as on date.

In Govt sectors like EPFO , Postal ,Indian Railway.....Re-employed ex servicemen are fighting to survive from less payment and struggling for their rights as other ESM. But unfortely the benefited mass is advocating against this, the DGR and all Ex servicemen leageus who are not forgating to collect subscription from the ESM but avoiding such issues.Every body is describing of the order which has come out in his own voice.But the Creative /inovative/welfare issues have been dream for the challengers.

As a result,some of the Re-employed esm are fighting for their pay to be fixed as per last pay, some have received and fighting to save out the benfits received .

Hope, All Ex soldiers should understood the issue and fill that benefit to other is not going to stop others benefits.HENCE PLEASE COME ON AND SHOW YOUR INTEGRITY TOO IN A SINGLE VOICE IN CIVIL SOCIETY AS LIKE YOU FOUGHT TOGETHER FOR MOTHER INDIA.

Jai Hind.

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