Saturday, February 27, 2010

AICTE Pay : Gazette Notification is likely on 5th March 2010.

 View the Gazette Notification.
A delegation including Mr. K S. Shivaramu(President AGOTE) were able to meet Prof S S Mantha (Acting Chairman AICTE) today ie 23rd Feb ‘2010 at 11:10 am. Brief and relevant details of the meeting are reproduced as under:
1) The Chairman expressed his dissatisfaction about the type and number of anamolies being raised at various levels and by various associations/persons. This he said, shall only delay the notification process . In a veiled manner , we were also made to understand that genuine anamolies can also be raised after the publication of the Gazette notification and that the process of notification should be allowed to continue.
2) We requested him to rectify certain gross anamolies like the AGP of Rs.5000/- may be raised to at least Rs.5400/- . It was pointed that even the FI gets an AGP more than Rs.5000/- as proposed in the draft regulation. The Chairman gave a very serious consideration to this submission and MAY be(MAY BE) he would accept this request. However, we cannot categorically commit the same.
3) The Chairman was requested to give thought to the request that the new rules and conditions should not be applicable to the people who joined on or before 1.1.2006 . He said he would not be able to comment on this request immediately4) The Chairman was requested to release the final Gazette notification at the earliest as any further delay would deprive us of the opportunity to get 40% of the arrears in the current financial year. The Chairman said that as per the present regulations, all AICTE notifications are to be vetted by the AICTE Executive Council. Infact he had already sent the notification for publication but had to withdraw because of the same was not vetted by the AICTE EC. He further disclosed that the AICTE EC is scheduled for the 26th Feb’2010 wherein the entire recommendations shall be discussed and finalized. Immediately after the EC meeting he shall ensure that the firm and final regulation is sent to ‘The Department of Publication , Govt of India’ for publication in the Gazette of India. To expedite the process of publication in the Gazette , the notification shall be published through the GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. ( The Gazette of India is a weekly/bi-weekly publication. However, if there is an emergent situation, then the notification is published in 2/3 days time, and such an issue, is termed as the GAZETTE EXTRAORDINAY). He is positively hopeful that the regulations shall be notified in the Gazette by the 5th of March 2010. ( Note that Feb has only 28 days and Holi falls on 1st March 2010). 5) As a gesture of gratitide, the Chairman was given a ‘Thanks’ card . The meeting ended on a very cordial note.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Details of discussions held between IBA and Officers Organsiations at Mumbai on 25.02.2010.

Due to some unavoidable circumstances, it was not possible to update the blog for the last week. We sincerely apologize the inconvenience caused to our viewers. 
Paycommissionupdate is back again with latest news as ever.

Click here to view details of meeting with UFBU

Officers' Associations submitted written proposals on the pay scale & allowances to Shri. Ramakrishna, Secretary, IBA. The same was explained later during the meeting. In response, IBA submitted two new proposals on revised pay scale as under:-

Proposal I - 15000 Incr 600-700-800-900-1000-1100-1200-1300-54400
Proposal II - 14200 Incr 650-700-800-900-1000-1100-1200-1300-54400
HRA - 6%, 7%, 8%. CCA - Existing rates & Quantum to continue.
Stagnation Increments - Additional as demanded by Officers Associations not possible due to cost constraints.
Pension - Effective date to be from date of settlement only.
Pension cost calculation - IBA sticks to its methodology.
HRA & Hospitalisation costs - IBA unwilling to consider request of Officers Organisations to rework these costs.
Pension Settlements - IBA to give draft agreement to Officers Organisations shortly.
Residual Issues - Officers Organisations to submit list to IBA shortly.
Officers organisations agreed to respond to IBA on these proposals in the next meeting.
No date has been decided for next meeting with IBA. IBA desires early finalisation of excercise but its approach not very flexible/conducive for the same. Stalemate position continues on almost all major points since IBA is refusing to consider our joint proposals.
AIBOA has made it clear that all proposals regarding Pension costing like SBI Balancing, Cost of Pension and date of effect will be decided on the basis of UFBU decision as this issue is decided earlier through MoU with IBA.

AIBOC issued its circular No. 16 on talks with IBA held on 25.02.2010. We are reproducing the same here for our readers.

CIRCULAR NO. 16                            Date: 26TH February, 2010



One more round of discussions with IBA was held on  25/02/2010 at Mumbai to decide on distribution of wage load of 17.5% and other related factors. Four Officers’ Organizations went in a delegation to Shri K. Ramakrishnan CEO of IBA and submitted a common proposal on distribution of  wage cost on various components of salary and allowances to the IBA, and requested for an early settlement. We also requested the IBA to draw the final settlement on pension and residual issues simultaneously, within the time frame fixed. He too expressed his concern on undue delay in arriving at final settlement and assured to expedite the matter.  

Therefore the discussions with the core committee of the IBA commenced in a cordial atmosphere. The IBA core committee was represented by Shri. Jagadish Pai, B.B. Das, Rajeev Rishi, Unnikrishnan and Venugopalan.  After opening remarks from the Chairman of the Core Committee, we presented our response on the IBA’s proposal of 23/01/2010 and briefed on the basis of our proposal in distribution of the cost.

In our proposal, we have taken care to distribute the wage load in an equitable manner to all scales from JMGs-I to Scale VII. The HRA percentage retained as comparable to workman staff.  Additional cost on pension, House Rent Allowance etc., are calculated on a scientific basis.  The date of effect of pension to CPF optees is assumed as from retrospective date.  As more number of officers are stagnated at lower level of scales, a provision for additional two stagnation increments for officers in Scale-I to Scale IV was also suggested by us.  We ensured to avoid anomalous situation in pay scales, and incremental pattern as compared to the workmen scales etc.

 Unfortunately, on none of our proposals, there was a positive response form the IBA and they stuck to their method of calculation of additional cost on HRA, pension and distribution of wage load of 17.5% on various scales.  It appeared that,  we have reached a dead end.  The discussions concluded without any fruitful result.

 Thereafter, we shared the information with our small committee and other leaders and decided to seek appointment with the Chairman of IBA to present our views.  We also felt that, as avoidable delay is causing much frustration among the rank and file, we should keep them advised of factual position and be in readiness to take the issue to its logical end without loss of further time.  Accordingly, we communicated to our members the outcome of the discussions through SMS.    We have also communicated to the Chairman of the IBA our concern on the stalemate, and requested for his intervention and an appointment with him to explain our stand, at the earliest.  We propose to meet him in the next week.

Comrades, it appears that, IBA feels that it is their prerogative to decide on the pay scales and method of calculation of additional cost required for various components of salary and allowances out of 17.5% wage hike.  We can not accept their proposals as it has to be done through bilateral discussions to avoid heartburn and anomalous situation within officers’ cadre and also in comparison with workmen staff.  We have to take care of the aspirations of large number of our membership who have stagnated in their respective scales and their career progression.  We are confident of convincing IBA on the line of the distribution of wage cost, but things can not be taken for granted.  The time at our disposal is very short.  Hence, we request our membership, to be in readiness for organizational action, if the situation demands.  We shall advise further developments, after meeting the Chairman IBA. We also request our membership to bear with the situation as it is our intention to ensure justice to all category of officers in distribution of wage cost equitably, among all components of salary and allowances.

With greetings,

Details of discussions with IBA and UFBU on 25th February.

 Due to some unavoidable circumstances, it was not possible to update the blog for the last week. We sincerely apologize the inconvenience caused to our viewers. 
Paycommissionupdate is back again with latest news as ever.
Click here for details of meeting with Officers' Association.
One more round of discussion on our wage revision took place today (25-02-2010) between IBA and 5 workmen unions’ viz. AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI, INBEF and NOBW.

Continuing the discussions of last round of meeting held on 9.2.2010, today we argued for one more stagnation increment to be made available for senior clerks and sub– staff and it was decided to workout the cost implication of the same. As regards cost of rationalisation of special pay, after our pointing out the number of clerks and sub-staff involved, the revised working resulted in substantial reduction of cost. This additional available amount can now be distributed to other heads like Basic pay, HRA, Transport Allowance, etc.

On the important issues like costing the existing cost of pension, date of effect of pension option, balancing the cost between PF and Pension, etc. IBA maintained their standpoints and we informed IBA that these common issues will be dealt by UFBU.

For the information of our Units and members, we give below the following tentative proposals on which discussions have taken place so far. These are subject to finalisation in further course of discussions and effort is being taken to reach conclusions on all the issues and to expedite the settlement.

1. Basic Pay:
Sub-staff: Rs. 5500 – 200/4 – 6300 – 250/5, 7550 – 300/4, 8750 – 350/3, 9800- 400/3 – 11000.
Clerk: Rs. 6200 – 400/3, 7400 – 500/3, 8900 – 600/4, 11300 – 700/7, 16200 – 1300/1, 17500 – 800/1 – 18,300.

2. Dearness Allowance: 0.15% of pay per slab over 2836 points of index.

3. HRA: CCA is being clubbed with HRA. Proposed HRA rates:
-      Places with 45 lacs and above : 9.50%
-      12 – 45 lacs                              : 8.75%
-      5 – 12 lacs                                : 7.50%
-      Below 5 lacs                             : 7.00%

4. Transport Allowance: Rs. 200 p.m.

5. Special Pay: To be revised upwards w.e.f. 1.11.07
Rationsalisation:  Clerks (a) All those who are not getting any Special Pay to be paid Rs. 1000 p.m. with some mutually agreed limited passing powers.
(b) All those who are getting some Special Pay now, will be revised to Rs. 1500 p.m. with suitable increase in powers.
(c) Head Cashiers & Special Assistants: These posts will continue with higher Special Pay. 
Sub-Staff: Special Pay to be revised upwards with minimum Special Pay of Rs. 350 p.m. to all.

6. It is proposed that, after such rationalization exercise, from 1.5.2010, Special Pay of Rs. 1000 for all clerical staff and Rs. 350 for all sub–staff will be added to the Basic Pay and Basic Pay will stand increased accordingly. Balance amount will be continued as Special Pay.

7. Medical Aid: Proposed at Rs. 2000 per year.

8. Hospitalisation: Under Discussions for improvements.

9. LFC: Under discussions for improvements. IBA has agreed that the present condition to avail 4 days leave while encashing LFC, will be deleted. 

10. Part Time Employees: Those who are now in lump sum monthly wages will be upgraded to 1/3rd wages.

11. Washing Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 100 p.m.

12. Cycle Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 75 p.m.

13. Project Area Compensatory Allowance:
Will be increased as under: 
Group A: Clerks: Rs. 205
Sub-staff: Rs. 180
Group B: Clerks: Rs. 180
Sub-staff: Rs. 150

14. Split Duty Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 125

15. Hill & Fuel Allowance: Same % rate on revised Basic Pay.

16. Halting / Diem Allowance: Being increased.

17. Income Definition for dependency: Rs. 3500 p.m.

18. Definition of family: To include physically challenged brothers and sisters with 40% disability.

19. Road mileage rate: Will be increased to Rs. 3 per km.

20. Breakage Allowance on transportation of personal effects: 
Being increased to: (with receipt).  Clerks Rs. 1120; sub-staff: Rs. 745 (Without receipt) Clerks: Rs. 745; Sub-staff: Rs. 560.

21. Special Leave for women employees: Within the entitlement of Maternity Leave, Special Leave upto maximum of 45 days will be granted for undergoing Hysterectomy operation.

22. Special Area Allowance: Will be improved.

23. Fixed Personal Pay: Will be increased suitably based on revised Basic Pay.

24. Professional Qualification Pay: Will be suitably increased based on revised Basic Pay.

25. Gratuity: Will be paid based on revised Pay (Basic Pay + Special Pay) or under Gratuity Act whichever is higher.

Comrades, it will be appreciated that most of the issues raised by us in the charter of demands have been covered so far. Some more issues still remain to be sorted out.

But it is important that the common issues like Pension cost, date of effect of option, cost balancing, etc are also sorted out before things are finalized. Attempts will also be made to further revise the Pay scales, subject to re-allocation of amount from one head to another.

Simultaneously, the process of drafting the pension option settlement is also being taken up. While these are positive features, we are concerned that on important common issues like pension costing, date of effect of pension option, balancing cost of PF and Pension, etc, differences persist between IBA and UFBU. These issues have also to be sorted out expeditiously.

While all efforts are being done to conclude the settlement, units and members are requested not to yield to unwarranted anxieties or misinformations.

Further developments will be informed to units in due course. 

Source : AIBEA

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clarification regarding pay fixation on promotion / stepping up of pay of seniors in respect of direct recruited junior.


S.No.PC-VI/188                   RBE No.28/2010
No.PC-VI/2010/I/RSRP/1                   New Delhi, dated 17.02.2010
The GMs/CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per mailing list)

Subject: Applicability of minimum pay/stepping up of pay clarification reg.
A number of references have been received in this office regarding applicability, for departmental promotees, of minimum entry pay prescribed for direct recruits (appointed on or after 1.1.2006) in Section II of Part A of the First Schedule of RS(RP) Rules, 2008. References have also been received regarding stepping up of pay of senior promotees with references to such of their directly recruited juniors who are recruited on or after 1.1.2006 and whose basic pay is more than that of their seniors.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance. In this connection it is clarified that the revised pay structure comprises grade pays and running pay bands and in the case of those Railway servants who were already in service before 1.1.2006. Sixth Pay Commission has not prescribed a minimum pay in the running pay band with reference to the minimum entry level pay prescribed for direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006. Further, the Sixth CPC has not prescribed minimum pay in the pay band for the purpose of fixation of pay on promotion in the case of any grade and fixing of minimum pay in the pay band in the case of each grade pay for departmental promotees would defeat the very purpose of introduction of running pay bands.
As far as the matter relating to bringing the pay of existing Railway servants as on 1.1.2006 at par with the pay of direct recruits recruited on or after 1.1.2006 is concerned, it is clarified that the pay of those Railway servants who joined the Railway as directrecruits on or after 1.1.2006 is to be fixed as per Section II, Part ‘A’ of the First Schedule to the RS(RP) Rules, 2008 and the procedure of pay fixation is based on a specific recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission, which has been accepted by the Government. As far as pay fixation in respect to those Railway servants who were already in service on 1.1.2006 is concerned, the same is to be doneas per the provisions of Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 and in accordance with the fitment tables annexed with this Ministry’s letter No.PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/1 dated 11.9.2008.
4. In the light of the foregoing, it is clarified that in terms of RS(RP) Rules,2008:-
(a) no minimum pay in the pay band can be prescribed in the case of promotion of Railway servants from one grade to another (except in the case of change in pay band); and
(b) pay of those Railway servants who were already in service on 1.1.2006 can not be fixed with reference to the minimum entry payprescribed for those who joined the Railways as direct recruits on or after 1.1.2006 as per Section II, Part ‘A’ of the First Schedule to the RS(RP) Rules, 2008.
5. However, stepping up of pay of seniors can be permitted with reference to such of their directly recruited juniors borne on the same seniority list who are recruited on or after 1.1.2006 and whose basic pay is more than that of the seniors, subject to the following conditions:-
(a) Stepping up of the basic pay of seniors can be claimed only in the case of those cadres which have an element of direct recruitment and in cases where a directly recruited junior is actually drawing more basic pay than the seniors. In such cases, the basic pay of the seniors will be stepped up with reference to the basic pay of the juniors. Stepping up will be applicable from the date junior direct recruit is actually drawing higher basic pay than the senior.
(b) Further, Railway servants cannot claim stepping up of their revised basic pay with reference to entry pay in the revised pay structurefor direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006 as laid down in Section II of Part A or First Schedule to the RS(RP) Rules, 2008, if their cadre does not have an element of direct recruitment, or in cases where no junior is drawing basic pay higher than them.
(c) Stepping up of pay of the seniors shall not be applicable in cases where pay of direct recruits has been fixed at a higher stage on account of grant of advance increments etc. at the time of recruitment.
6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Hari Krishan) Director, Pay Commission –II Railway Board

By Courtsey :
In view of the above notification by the Railway Board, the conferderation of the Central Govt. Employees has sought similar circular from Ministry of Expenditure for other departments. View the letter written in this regard.
Ms. Sushama Nath
Secretary Expenditure
Ministry of Finance
North Block
New Delhi-01
Dear Madam,
Sub: Anomaly in fixation of Pay of promotees and direct recruits –    agenda item 
No.5(iv) of the National Anomaly Committee-regarding
We solicit your kind reference to the minutes of the National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 12th December 2009 under the chairmanship of the Secretary (Personnel)- on the above issue at pages 4 and 5, circulated Vide O.M.No.11/2/2008- JCA dated 5.2.2010.  The operative part of discussion, as is incorporated in the last sentence in page 5 reads as under:
"The Chairman suggested the Department of Expenditure to re-exam the matter"
During on discussion , The Joint Secretary(Personnel) had observed that in case where the promotee and post 1.01.2006 direct recruits are borne on the same seniority list and the senior is drawing less basic pay than junior, the pay of senior can be stepped up. This no doubt, only partially remove the anomaly.
            As per the above observation the ministry of Railways issued an order, on 17.2.2010 a copy of which is enclosed for your ready reference. In para 2 thereof, it has stated that the said order has been issued in consultation with the Ministry of Finance.
            We shall be grateful if similar orders are issued by the Department Expenditure so that the employees similarly placed in other departments could get the benefit thereof, howsoever limited it is.
            Thanking you
Yours faithfully
KKN Kutty
Secretary General

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kerala government constitutes Pay Commission for employees and teachers. Haryana offers Child Care Leave for it's staff.

Kerala government today decided to constitute a Pay Commission to recommend revision of scales for government employees and teachers in the state.

The commission, which would be chaired by Justice R Rajendra Babu, a retired judge of Kerala High Court, has been asked to submit its report within six months, Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan told reporters here.

Pay revision, matters relating to pension amount, promotion and other allowances will be some of the major agenda in the terms and reference of the commission, he said.

A 30-member Commission secretariat would also be constituted, Achuthanandan said. Economist at the Centre of Development Studies P Mohanan Pilla and Advocate P Venugopalan Nair are the other members of the commission.

There are about 4.5 lakh government employees and teachers in the state and their pay scales were last revised in early 2006.

Source : PTI 

Haryana offers Child Care Leave 
Haryana government has decided to allow Child Care Leave (CCL) to its women employees to take care of their children at the time of need whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination and sickness.

Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said today that CCL would be granted for a maximum period of two years (i.e. 730 days) to a woman employee during the entire service period for taking care of her two eldest surviving children below the age of 18 years.

CCL would not be debited against the leave account but would be admissible when the concerned woman employee has no earned leave at her credit, he said.

The Chief Minister said the leave salary as admissible while on earned leave would also be admissible during the period of CCL upto 730 days.
Source : PTI

SBI officers want Govt. to make pension scheme better.

The State Bank of India Officers’ Association (SBIOA) wants its management to announce an improved pension scheme for the bank’s 60,000 officers and 1.20 lakh other employees simultaneously with the industry-wide ninth bipartite wage settlement, whenever the overdue settlement takes place.
The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), the association of bank employees of 19 nationalized commercial banks in the country, all of whom come under one or the other nine bank unions forming the Forum is, for quite some time now, in negotiation with the Indian Banks' Association (IBA), the body representing the different bank managements, over finalising the ninth industry-wide bipartite settlement.
Speaking to FE here on Sunday, G D Nadaf, general secretary, All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC), who is also general secretary of the All India State Bank Officers’ Federation (AISBOF), said despite the seven-day nation-wide strike in 2006, the SBI management had “done little” towards improving its existing pension scheme.
“The improvements are yet to come; we have already taken up the issue with the government, we want this issue also to be settled along with the industry-level ninth bipartite currently underway,” said Nadaf.
Among the improvements being demanded by the AISBOF in the bank’s existing pension scheme are that the pension amount receivable by the employee should be 50% of his/her last earned basic pay; that all old pensioners from 1997-98 should also be brought under the fold of the improved scheme as such pensions relate to the 1991 pay-scale.
It also wants 100% neutralisation of dearness allowance (DA) in its pension scheme, which today is there only for employees who continue to serve the bank and not for its pensioners.
The AISBOF general secretary, who was here to attend the 19th triennial general body meeting of State Bank of India Officers’ Association (Patna circle), said the commutation formula in SBI’s existing pension scheme too needed improvement as it was the “worst” in the industry. He said the federation also wants that SBI should incur a proportionate cost of that to be spent by the rest of the industry i.e Rs 6,300 crore for implementing the recently agreed second pension option for banking industry personnel other than SBI.
As SBI had in 1993 borne a proportionate cost in implementing the first industry-wide pension option, Nadaf said the bank should, this time too, share the cost.
Source: The Financial Express

Punjab govt constitutes anomaly committee for removing shortcomings in 5th Pay Commission. Madhya Pradesh employees urge Govt. to make budget provisions for pay hike.

To remove the shortcomings of 5th Pay Commission recommendations, Punjab Government has constituted 8 Members Anomaly Committee.Committee would submit its report within six months and further action would be taken by Finance Department. 
Revealing this here on Tuesday, a spokesman of the Punjab Government said that R.C.Nayyar, Financial Commissioner, Forest Department, Punjab would be its Chairman whereas Secretary Expenditure Finance Department, Administrative Secretary Home Department, Administrative Secretary School Education Department, Administrative Secretary Health & Family Welfare Department, Administrative Secretary Water Supply and Sanitation Department , Administrative Secretary Personnel Department would be its members. Special Secretary, Finance Department would be its Member Secretary.
He further said that while consideration the anomaly of the employee, the concerned Administrative Secretary and Head of the Department would be co-opt as members.
The committee would set rules and regulation itself regarding the process of the anomaly application of the employees to make work properly and committee would submit its report within six months and further action would be taken by Finance Department.  
Source :  Punjabnewsline.

Madhya Pradesh
Government Officers, Employees Federation state president Raghuvir Prasad Sharma said here that the state government had constituted Agrawal Committee to study the benefits of Sixth Pay Commission recommendations for the state employees so that the benefits are implemented. Now the government has extended last date of submission of report of the committee to March. Extending time of the committee meant for delaying to give benefits of the pay commission to the employees.
He said that the employees and families voted BJP to power in the state and Lok Sabha and civic body elections too. This cannot be overlooked, he said. He said that a decision to implement recommendations of the pay commission in toto should be taken soon.
Sharma appealed from the Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to take a decision immediately to implement the pay commission recommendations as being given to Central Government employees. He appealed the chief minister to provide provision in the next budget for giving benefits of the pay commission to the employees and officers.
Source: Central Chronicle.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ad hoc teachers seek pay parity

With the implementation of the revised pay scales by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for college and university teachers, there has been an increase in the salaries with effect from January 1, 2006. But the UGC has totally ignored the teachers in the ad hoc category, whose strength comprise more than 75 per cent in colleges.

In a college there are three category of teachers — ad hoc who work on fixed salaries varying from Rs 6000 and Rs 12000 per month. In the second category, teachers working against unaided posts in colleges, which are on grant in aid list of the government and teachers working on aided posts, where 95 per cent of salaries being paid by the government.

As against the four posts earlier (lecturers, senior scale lecturer, selection scale lecturer and principal), there will now be three posts viz assistant professor, associate professor and principal whose revised salary has seen a surge of 50 to 55 per cent.

For instance, an assistant professor who earlier got a salary between 8000-13500 will now get 15600-39100 + academic grade pay (6000). While an associated professor, who earlier used to draw 12000-18300, will now get 37400-67000 + AGP (9000). And college principals earlier used to get two types of grades, one was 12000-18300, while the other slab was 16400-22400. But now both these categories have been put under slab, i.e. 37400-67000 with AGP of 10,000.

This way a newly appointed teacher will get more than Rs 30,000 per month and a teacher with an experience of 12 years or more will fetch around Rs Rs 70,0000. But the UGC grades have completely ignored the ad hoc lecturers.

Talking to Newsline, Raman Sharma, an ad hoc teacher, said, “This is a grave injustice. We are given 30 periods per week which are more than the periods assigned to the permanent staff. Still we are given meagre salaries.”

Dr Mukesh Arora, Member of Panjab University, Senate, said, “The UGC should also grant at least minimum basic salaries to the qualified adhoc teachers along with some DA.”

Source : Indian Express.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Details of new Medical Insurance scheme for Central Govt. employees and pensioners.

Government introduce a new Medical Scheme for Central Government Employees and Pensioners as in the name of Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS). In all over India, pensioners are getting meager amount of Rs.100 as Medical Allowance (except CGHS beneficiaries). It is estimated that approximately 17 lakh serving employees and 7 lakh pensioners shall be offered this Scheme and Government plan to enroll all serving employees and pensioners on compulsory / optional basis.

Some key points regarding the scheme:-


CGEPHIS shall be compulsory to new Central Government Employees who would be joining service after the introduction of the Health Insurance Scheme.

CGEPHIS shall be compulsory to new Central Government retirees who would be retiring from the service after the introduction of the Insurance Scheme.

CGEPHIS would be available on voluntary basis for the following:
Existing Central Government Employees and Pensioners who are already CGHS beneficiaries. In this case they have to opt out of CGHS scheme. They will also have the option of choosing both CGHS and Insurance policy. In such case the total insurance premium has to be borne by the member.

Existing Central Government Employees and Pensioners who are not CGHS beneficiaries but are covered under CS (MA)

In-patient benefits – The Insurance Scheme shall pay all expenses incurred in course of medical treatment availed of by the beneficiaries in an Empanelled Hospitals/ Nursing Homes (24 hours admission clause) within the country, arising out of either illness/disease/injury and or sickness.

NOTE: In case of organ transplant, the expenses incurred for the Donor are also payable under the scheme.

Pre & Post hospitalization benefit: Benefit up to 30 days Pre Hospitalization & up to 60 days Post Hospitalization respectively which would cover all expenses related to treatment of the sickness for which hospitalization was done.

Serving/Retired Employees: Self, Spouse, Two dependent children and up to Two Dependent Parents. New born shall be considered insured from day one till the expiry of the current policy irrespective of the number of members covered subject to eligibility under maternity benefit.

Any additional dependent member in addition to above [Sr. No. 5 (1)] can be covered under the Scheme by paying the fixed amount of premium. This additional full premium shall be borne by the beneficiary.

Beneficiaries shall be identified by a “Photo Smart Card” issued by the insurer to all beneficiaries which would have all personal details, medical history, policy limits etc. of the CGEPHIS members. This card would be used across the country to access Health Insurance Benefits. The photograph embedded in the chip of the Smart Card will be taken as the proof for determining the eligibility of the beneficiaries.

The Scheme shall provide coverage for meeting all expenses relating to hospitalization of beneficiary members up to Rs. 5, 00,000/- per family per year in any of the Empanelled Hospital/Nursing Home/Day Care Unit subject to stated limits on cashless basis through smart cards. The benefit shall be available to each and every member of the family on floater basis i.e. the total reimbursement of Rs. 5.00 lakh can be availed by one individual or collectively by all members of the family.

Entitlements for various types of wards: CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general ward depending on their pay drawn in pay band / pension. These entitlements are amended from time to time and the latest order in this regards needs to be followed. The entitlement is as follows:-

Pay drawn in pay band/Basic Pension - Entitlement
Rs. 13,950/-(up to)……………………………… General Ward
Rs. 13,960/- to 19,530/- …………………… Semi-Private Ward
Rs. 19,540/- and above ……………………… Private Ward

The Insurer has to ensure that all CGEPHIS members are provided with adequate facilities so that they do not have to pay any deposits at the commencement of the treatment or at the end of treatment to the extent as the Services are covered underthe Scheme . The service provided by the Insurer along with subject to responsibilities of the Insurer as detailed in this clause is collectively referred to as the “Cashless Access Service.”

The services have to be provided by the Empanelled Hospitals/Nursing Homes/Day Care Clinics to the beneficiary based on Photo Smart Card authentication only without any delay. The beneficiaries shall be provided treatment free of cost for all such ailments covered under the Scheme within the limits/sub-limits of defined package rates and sum insured, i.e., not specifically excluded under the scheme.
The process of enrolment shall be as under:
Serving Employees:
1. Departments and offices will call for options from employees to join voluntary CGEPHIS with or without existing CGHS/CS (MA) benefits.

2. Head of Department of the Administrative Ministry/Department would be the contact point for the Insurance Companies.

3. Enrolment forms giving details about self and family and authorization to the department for recovery of premium on a monthly basis would be consolidated by the Administrative Ministry / Department. The data of the beneficiary and dependent members to be covered along with 2 recent passport size photo and copy of enrolment form will be forwarded to Insurance Company on monthly basis.

4. Insurance Company will issue Smart Cards on the basis of information received of the beneficiaries for enrolment.

5. Such Smart Cards along with the enrollment kit shall be sent by the insurers directly to the insured persons at their respective mailing addresses at insurer’s cost within 7 days.

Insurance Premium:-
The beneficiary will have to pay an annual premium which will be determined after the formal introduction of the Scheme. It will vary according to the grade pay of the officer. The estimated annual premium for a standard family size will be in the range of Rs.8000 to Rs.12000 p.a. It is however proposed to be subsidized by the Government to a considerable extent.

Source : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Orissa police personnel threaten strike. Bihar Pay Commission : Complete Report and Govt. Resolution.

Orissa police personnel threaten strike

About 45,000 low-ranking personnel of Orissa police have threatened to go on a strike from February 25, if their 13-point charter of demands, including revised pay scale at par with the central government employees were not fulfilled by February 20.

"The state government will be responsible if the low-ranking police personnel go on strike. We have already served ultimatum to the authorities," Constable, Havildar and Sepoy Mahasangha president Padmanabha Behera told reporters here.

Alleging that low-ranking police personnel did not got benefit from the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission, Behera said they were forced to go on agitation as none in the administration paid any heed to their demands.

The Mahasangha had withdrawn its proposed cease work agitation in view of the government's appeal last year.

Source : PTI

Bihar Pay Commission : Complete Report and Govt. Resolution.

Report of Bihar Pay Committee

Allowance Details.

Order for Engineering Service.

Govt. of Bihar, Finance Dept. Resolution Dated 21.01.2010.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Details of negotiations with IBA on 9th February.

Important issues like pension cost, special pay etc are yet to be finalised and hence these matters need further discussions.

See the full text as per AIBEA version.
As scheduled, another round of Bipartite talks were held today (09.02.10) in Mumbai between IBA and 5 workmen Unions. IBA team was led by Mr. Jagdish Pai, (ED, Canara Bank), Chairman of the Core group of the Negotiating Committee and from the unions, all the five workmen unions viz., AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI, INBEF and NOBW were represented.

Continuing the discussions of the last round of meeting, today we took up for discussion the cost of rationalisation of special pay, method of calculating the existing cost of pension, accounting the cost of retirement benefits of PF / Pension Optees on account of proposed wage revision, date of effect of pension option settlement, etc. The IBA, after listening to our arguments and viewpoints, informed that these important issues are needed to be discussed in their full Negotiating Committee before reacting to us.

In today’s meeting, we further took up various other issues and service conditions like improvement in LFC, Special Area Allowance, making part time employees on lumpsum wages to 1/3 wages, commencement of LFC from mainland for employees working in Northeast, Andaman / Nicobar, Lakshwadeep etc, improvement in hospitalization scheme, domiciliary treatment of few more ailments, allowing LFC within entitlement while travel abroad, improvement in class of travel for LFC, one more option to change LFC block, improvement in reimbursement of package charges for certain major operations, removal of few anomalies in certain existing provisions etc. IBA was very positive on all these issues.

However, important issues like pension cost, special pay etc are yet to be finalised as mentioned above and hence these matters need further discussions.

Further discussions will continue in the next round of meeting and efforts are on to expedite the settlement. "

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Update on wage talk : The proposed meeting scheduled on 8th February is postponed. The next date of meeting is yet to be decided. We will inform the viewers about latest developments as soon as available.


(Submitted to the Finance Secretary, Government of India for Consideration)

"We furnish below the Performance indicators of Public Sector Banks, as on date of last salary revision (2002). due date of salary revision (2007) and present (2009)

( Crs.)



% increase


% %














Total Business






Net Profit









7 .55




You will please observe that in all parameters be it business, profitability or productivity the Banks have performed exceeding well.

* Prior to 1979, Bank Officers salary was batter than that of the Group 'A' officers of Govt. of India. Class I officers Basic Pay was at Rs. 450/- per month where as Bank Officers Basic Pay was at Rs. 500/- per month with a difference of Rs.50/- per month-

* On account of Pillai Committee Recommendations during 1979. Bank officers, Basic Pay was fixed at Rs. 700/- per month at par with class I officers of Govt. of India.

* fourth Pay Commission fixed Rs. 2200/- per month Basic Pay for class I officers where as for Bank Officers it was at Rs. 2100/- per month.

* Fifth Pay Commission Scales, further widened the gap between Govt. Officers and Bank officers scales by Rs. 900/- per month. Govt Officers scale was at Rs. 8000/- per month whereas Bank officers scale was fixed at Rs. 7100/- per month.



· In 2004. 50% of D.A was merged with Basic Pay for Govt. Officers and Basic Pay 'was raised to Rs. 12500/- per month. Whereas for Bank Offices w.e.f. 1-11-2002 Basic Pay was at Rs. 10,000/- per month with a difference of Rs. 2500/. per month. In addition for Govt. Officer HRA was at 30% of Basic Pay in Metros as compared to 9% paid to Bank Employees.

· As on 1-1-2006. as per 6th Pay Commission Recommendations, Govt. officers. Basic Pay is fixed at Rs. 15,600/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400/- totaling Rs. 21,.000/- The HRA for Govt. Officer was retained at 30% of Basic Pay whereas for Bank officers, it is at maximum 8.5% of Basic Pay.


* With present offer of 17.5% wage increase for Bank Staff, w.e.f.. 1-11-2007. Bank officers scales would at best be at Rs. 14,000/- per month as against pay scale of class I officers at Rs. 21,000/- (includes grade pay) thus further widening of the gap by Rs. 7,000/- per month in Basic Pay between Govt. and Bank officers

* Out of 17.5% wage increase offered by the IBA, Rs. 1,800/- crores will go towards 2nd option of Pension and incremental cost on Pension and remaining amount is not sufficient to construct scales of Bank officers above Rs. 14,000/- per month.

* Even in next wage revision for Banks. due from 1-11-2012 the gap between Govt. and Bank officers may not be wiped out.

* A minimum salary increase of 30% to 40% is ensured to .Public Sector undertakings, UGC Staff etc. In tune with 6th Pay Commission Recommendations.

* In SBI, Superannuation Scheme will not ensure 50% of last drawn Basic Pay as pension. Commutation formula is also inferior. Those retired before 31-10-2002, are drawing Pension, based on' 1992 scales..

* The Gratuity ceiling of Rs. 3.5 lacs is not enhanced for Bank employees w.e.f.


* Bank officers have unlimited working hours with accountability sword hanging on the head even after retirement. As against 5 day working in Govt. Bank staff virtually works all 7 days with no compensation, undergo greater transferability and accountability.

* Bank officers are expected to match performance with professional in private sector. and they do, but are paid below municipal employees.



Today a General Manager of Bank draws emoluments less than a Section Officer of the Government of India;

A Probationary Officer of Bank draws less than a Clerk in Government and

A Bank Clerk draws less than a Peon in Government.

Hence, we pray for Pay Scales at par with Group 'A' officers in Government in India and

HRA@ 30%."

Reproduced from SBI Officers's Association Website.


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